Tag Archives: film

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Ezekiel Honig – Drafting Hindsight

Ezekiel Honig contributed the track “Drafting Hindsight” to David Cho’s short film, Where We Are, which can be viewed above. The track will also see release on Honig’s upcoming Paragraphs EP, out via Other People (12″ LP/digital).

Honig also has some other artistic endeavors in the works — catch up on all that here.

Six Podcasts You Should Check Out

As a world-renowned podcaster, many people like to approach me on the streets and ask me “Armand, what podcasts do you listen to???” (Note: No one has ever asked me this question.) So I thought it was about time I let the world know.

I’ll preface this list by saying that I almost exclusively listened to these podcasts over the past few years during my 6am commute to work and my drive back home. Why is that important? Because at six in the morning, I want my podcasts to keep me awake and prevent me from murdering innocent people on my way to work. What this means is that science, technology, and education in general, can all take a backseat (like they normally do in our culture.) I just want to be entertained and nod vigorously to any of Russell Crow’s queries.

So enough preamble, here’s the list:

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